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Welcome to EduFun Learning Center

Everything we do at EduFun is focused on what is best for your child. At EduFun we strive for happiness! It is a simple solution. We start by building a community of happy children, happy parents, and happy teachers.


To achieve our happiness at EduFun, we work hard to provide a safe, loving, and fun learning environment for your child. We begin with highly skilled teachers and train our staff in the EduFun way.  We also strive to have a communicative and understanding rapport with parents.


Below are the many advantages of what makes EduFun Learning Center a happy place!


  • Security cameras throughout our facility

  • Computerized record of all individuals authorized to pick up your child

  • Immediate photo identification on all individuals authorized to pick up your child

  • Traditional sign-in and out in all classrooms

  • First Aid and CPR certified staff

Family Communication

  • Open-door policy that ensures parents smiling faces and warm greetings when they stop by for a visit

  • Monthly curriculum and menus available online

  • Monthly email and online bulletin detailing upcoming events

  • Open, effective communication between teachers and parents to provide the highest level of childcare possible


  • Fully equipped kitchen ready to serve hot and fresh meals

  • Large and spacious classrooms

  • Separate, age appropriate playground

  • Continuous improvements and updates to classrooms and playgrounds

  • Locally owned and managed by two Brazoria County families

School Environment

  • Warm, inviting, and joyful family-oriented environment

  • Open year-round with convenient hours from 6 AM to 5:30 PM

  • Breakfast, lunch, and nutritious snacks provided daily

  • Separate, age appropriate outside play areas

  • Full service early childhood learning center providing care for Infants through Pre-K 4

  • Before and After School Program (ages 5 - 11)

Learning Environment

  • A customized theme base curriculum taught by a Texas certified teacher to the Pre-K 3 and 4 classrooms

  • Methods and strategies that promote fun-learning for all learners

  • Activities in all the classrooms that focus on cogntive and motor skills development

  • Separate, age appropriate classooms 

Image by Gautam Arora
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